We offer a large selection of VIN tags, Serial number, Trailer ID and other data tags for a every vehicles (Car, truck, motorcycle, boat, trailer, RV, classic and commercial vehicles, industrial machinery or agriculture & farming equipment & more)
Made from durable aluminum and customized with your vehicle information and variables. Make sure to stay compliant with DMV/DOT and law enforcement with a high quality legible plate.
What is a VIN Number?
A VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) is a unique code used to identify every motor vehicle.
VIN numbers have been used since the early 50's to distinguish one vehicle from another.
At first there was no standard for this information so manufacturers were using different systems and length.
In 1981, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, standardized the format to the ISO 17 characters combination still in use today.
VIN numbers use a combination of digits and letters with exclusion of letters I, O and Q to avoid any confusion with digits 1 and 0.
Are non ISO Vehicle Identification Numbers legals?
Some vehicles may have a VIN with fewer characters than the Standard 17.
It just means that this vehicle has been manufactured before 1981. There is no way to change its number because it's the lifetime id of the vehicle.
These numbers are totally legals and compliant with DMV/DOT regulations.
When and how to check a VIN number?
When looking to buy any motorized vehicle (car, motorbike, truck, RV, trailer, scooter,...) it's always a good idea to check the Vehicle History Report (VHR) using its VIN. This report will give you a lot of important information such as changes of owner, maintenance history, accident history, airbag deployment and more.
Is it legal to replace a VIN tag?
According to Federal law, it is perfectly legal to replace your VIN tag when needed.
We also recommend to check your State laws for specific recommendation or regulation.

Vehicle identification number (VIN) DMV requirements
To register a vehicle, the department of motor vehicle (DMV) and/or department of transportation (DOT) requires the vehicle identification number (VIN) to be displayed on the vehicle. Absence or illegibility of the number on the vehicle could lead to a denial.
Make sure your VIN is properly displayed on your vehicle using a high quality engraved plate. Decals, stickers or homemade labels fade very quickly with time, washing and weather conditions.
A custom engraved aluminum VIN tag / id plate or data plate is the best way to display required information on your vehicle.
Get compliant

How to read a Vehicle identification (VIN) Number
The 17 characters of your VIN can tell you a lot about your vehicle.
Lets decrypt the data of your vehicle identification number:
The first digit of your VIN shows the country where the vehicle was built (for exemple, USA is codes, 1,4,5)
Character 2 and 3 is a 2 letters code that indicates the vehicle manufacturer.
Char. 4 to 8 relates to vehicle's brand, engine size, and type
Char. 9 is the vehicle security code.
Char. 10 is a code for mfg year.
A: 1980 or 2010 J: 1988 T: 1996 4: 2004
B: 1981 or 2011 K: 1989 V: 1997 5: 2005
C: 1982 or 2012 L: 1990 W: 1998 6: 2006
D: 1983 or 2013 M: 1991 X: 1999 7: 2007
E: 1984 or 2014 N: 1992 Y: 2000 8: 2008
F: 1985 or 2015 P: 1993 1: 2001 9: 2009
G: 1986 or 2016 R: 1994 2: 2002
H: 1987 or 2017 S: 1995 3: 2003
Char. 11 is a code for the specific plant where the vehicle has been assembled.
Char. 12 to 17 is the the vehicle's serial number.